While Core Values and Tags are different in the Wishlist universe, they share the same goal of tying your employee's meaningful contributions to the bigger picture of your company's success.
What are Core Values used for at Wishlist?
Add core values to your Core Values section in Wishlist to show how individuals portrayed your values. The core values you add here will show up for your employees to use when they go to recognize a peer. They will not show up as an option when you go to send a reward.
What are Tags used for at Wishlist?
Add tags to your Tags section in Wishlist to show why an individual's contributions are being rewarded. These can represent anything from contributing to the mission of the company, closing a big deal, or just being a good representative of the company. These will only show up when you go to send a reward. They will not show up as an option when you send a peer-to-peer recognition.
For more on how to Add, Edit and Remove Tags, Core Values, and Business Goals click here