Introduction This document provides step-by-step instructions to set up a Wishlist app on Microsoft Azure Active Directory to support SSO with the Wishlist platform.
Go to
Create a Wishlist App
The dashboard page will be displayed post logging into the Azure account.
Type “Enterprise applications” in the search box and select it. You will be redirected to the “New Application” page.
c. The “New Application” button is selected to create a new enterprise application. Click on “New Application”.
d. Click on the "Create your own application" button, name your app as "Wishlist SSO", choose the option for the "Non-gallery" app and click the "Create" button.
e. Once you create the new application, you will land on the Overview page.
f. Select “Users and Groups” and add any or all members from the list. Only the users added in this step can use this app for SSO.
g. Click on the Single Sign-on tab on the left side of the panel and choose the SAML method.
h. Add the following
Reply URL ->
Identifier -> any random string
Sign on URL ->
i. Under the claims section check for required claims. Make sure there is a claim Unique User Identifier (Name ID) as user.userprincipalname, with nameid-format as emailAddress.
4. Note the information required for connecting this app to your Wishlist account
Login URL [See Screenshot]
Signature Certificate [Download Certificate (Base64)]
Azure AD Identifier [See Screenshot]
EntityId [See Screenshot]
5. Set up the Wishlist App to log in with Microsoft Azure AD Email and Password
Login into the Wishlist portal - Wishlist Login.
Go to Integrations under Settings in the Admin Tab - Integration Page
Under the Single Sign-On section look for Microsoft Azure Ad and start the process by toggling the slider.
Fill out the required fields using information from Step 4.
Click on Save. Your integration is complete!
6. How to log in via Microsoft Azure AD Email and Password
Go to Wishlist Login Page - Wishlist Login Page and click on Microsoft Azure AD.
You’ll be prompted for your email as in the Wishlist platform. Enter your email and click on Submit.
You’ll be redirected to Microsoft Azure Portal and if you have not already logged in, you would need to log into Microsoft Azure. Once logged in, you’ll redirect back to the Wishlist platform and get automatically logged in.