We've all been there. You hit send on the perfectly crafted recognition only to realize that your spell checker didn't highlight the fact that you had a correctly spelled hear when it should have been here. No worries! Follow these steps to edit your post so that you can fix your mishap without having to start from scratch:
Before you go too far there are a couple of provisos around the otherwise unlimited power of the edit button.
- Once posted, no amount of editing will allow you to add a reward. Instead, select the gift box icon to reward those recognized within the post.
- If in your original recognition you included a reward, deleting or editing the recognition will not impact the reward. Again, deleting the post will not delete the associated reward. When needed, please contact your Program Admin if there is an issue with a sent reward.
- If you don't see your recognition after you hit post, try refreshing the page as sometimes it needs to reload.
- From the News Feed, click the Kebab Menu in the upper right of your post.
- From there, hit Edit to start fixing those typos
- Once you have made all the necessary changes hit Save