With a few exceptions, gift cards from Wishlist are delivered electronically. During the selection process, you will enter the email where you want to receive your e-gift card. From there, you will receive two sets of emails:
- An email titled "Your (Brand Name) Gift Card will arrive shortly"
- This email will let you know we've received your request. It will also have the amount of the gift card, as well as the reference number
- An email titled "Activate your (Brand Name) gift card"
- This email will have all the necessary information and links to help you activate and use your gift card
If you still haven't received your gift card after 24 hours, see the following ways to check for your gift card:
- Gift cards sent by Wishlist are occasionally redirected to the Spam, Promotions, or All Mail folders. If it isn't there, we recommend typing "Activate your {BRAND NAME} Gift Card" in the search bar of your inbox.
- Alternatively, if you believe that your email address was entered incorrectly, please reach out to us at support@enjoywishlist.com and we can update the email address.
- If you are on the Wallet, once your gift card has been processed you will be able to view your gift card details directly in the My Orders section of the Rewards tab as shown below:
From the My Rewards section of the Rewards tab, select Rewards Received followed by My Orders
Click the Kebab Menu icon to the right of Ready to Use
Select Order Details
From here you will be able to Activate your card or resend it to your email address